Hardcode Network

Create powerful websites for growing companies

How did Hardcode become one of the premier web development companies in Hong Kong? By creating custom solutions that harness the power of the Internet to help our client to grow

About Hardcode

01. Hardcode Network web design and development

Hardcode Network is an Hong Kong web design company providing internet consulting services and web development for small and large companies in metro Hong Kong and beyond. If your company is in metro Hong Kong and you seek web design services, consider doing business with an Hong Kong web design company like Hardcode Network. Hiring a local Hong Kong web design firm allows you to meet more frequently, build a more trusting relationship, and tap into the local network of creative and technical services.

02. Total web development service provider

As one of the premiere web design firms in the Southeast, we design state-of-the-art web sites using the most advanced technology available. Our project manager will guide your company through the web design process from concept development to site launch. We provide a full range of services, including web development, web design and internet marketing. Your web site may include e-commerce, a content management system, responsive design for mobile web site access and more.

03. Honest, affordable and dependable

Advertising agencies, PR firms and creative industry professionals recognize Hardcode Network as one of the top metro Hong Kong web design firms because we consistently deliver custom web sites on-time and on-budget. We are one of the fastest-growing Hong Kong web design companies because we provide competitive prices and first-rate service.

Why Choose Hardcode

We build powerful websites.

If you need a site with all the bells and whistles, contact Hardcode Network. Database integration, video, audio, ios and android integration, e-commerce — no problem.

We emphasize simplicity.

Some firms love to build complicated sites. Not us. We choose the simplest tool that will effectively accomplish a task. Simple sites load faster, are easy to use and are less prone to problems.

We're affordable.

Hardcode Network has very low overhead. No fancy office in Buckhead, no snooty receptionist, no latte-sipping sales weasels. Just hard-working Internet professionals chained to their computers. (Just kidding. They're not really chained to their computers. They're chained to their desks.)

We are friendly.

Most of our clients have fun working with us. We make the web design process easy and pleasant. We speak in plain English, not techno-babble. And we love what we do for a living.

We only charge you when we do work for you.

Seems kinda obvious, right? Ask other web developers -- some insist on maintenance contracts that require you to pay them even when you don't need any work on your site.

We're honest.

Our business has grown word-of-mouth and we intend to continue growing this way. We'll treat you fairly and do a great job so that you'll want to continue working with us after your site has launched. And, we want you to tell all your friends and colleagues about us.

You're the boss.

We'll give you options and the tools and information to make good choices. We'll give you our recommendations, but ultimately, every decision about your website is yours.

246 clients
13 Years
56 Awards
470 Brand

OUR Service

We don’t offer “packages.” Each solution we offer is custom to our client’s needs. And the solution starts with by learning about the long-term goals of your organization. Once we understand that, we can offer a range of services that use the power of the Internet to achieve those goals

Web Design

Looking to build a brand new site or redesign your existing site Hardcode Network is an Hong Kong web design company specializing in building web sites that look professional, load quickly, and offer the latest functionality to users.

Custom web development

Imagine your business or organization operating more efficiently than ever. Imagine serving your customers in ways that you never thought were possible. Hardcore Network can make all of this a reality beyond your imagination.

Search engine optimization

The consultants at Hong Kong-based Hardcode Network are search engine optimization experts. We can help your site achieve top rankings on major search engines by implementing our thorough, common sense methodology.

Digital marketing

We build each of our sites with your end goal in mind: increased web site conversions and sales. Throughout the build process, our digital marketing team works alongside the developers to get ready to drive qualified traffic to your site – and keep your users coming back for more.

E-commerce websites

Ready to build your online store? Want to redesign your existing e-commerce web site Hardcode Network creates e-commerce sites that are powerful and affordable. Every e-commerce site is custom-built for the individual client

Company Intranets

If you've been put in charge of getting your company's intranet up and running, you've come to the right place. We can help you whether you're starting from scratch or have an existing intranet you need to redesign or rebuild.

Content management systems

Imagine never having to call your web designer or developer again. If you can operate a web browser and you're familiar with Microsoft Word, you can easily maintain your own web site and content.

Advertising agency support

Does your advertising agency have a client that needs a site, but you don't have the bandwidth to pull off the awesomeness you’re imagining? Partner with Hardcode Network and let's work together to knock their socks off!


3D Parts Unlimited

3D Parts Unlimited mission is to print a stronger future, faster. Providing low-cost, high-quality prototypes and production printing services to various sectors no matter the size of the project.

Multi Products

Multi Products Company’s brand has had a reputation for designing & building high quality, cost-effective sub-fractional gear motors for various industries since 1958.

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